Sono tantissimi forse migliaia gli artisti che si sono cimentati nell’illustrazione della famosissima favola del Burattino di Carlo Collodi, Carlo Lorenzini (Firenze 1826 – 1890) , che tutti conosciamo come Pinocchio.

Sono tantissimi forse migliaia gli artisti che si sono cimentati nell’illustrazione della famosissima favola del Burattino di Carlo Collodi, Carlo Lorenzini (Firenze 1826 – 1890) , che tutti conosciamo come Pinocchio.
We propose herewith a series of 28 paintings, from the twenties till the seventies of last Century, which perfectly describe the artistic route of this wonderful painter.
We display a small and interesting group of etchings by Merian Matthaus (Basel 1593 - Bad Schwalbach 1650).
A series of eight etchings, assembled in beautiful veneer frame, by Raphael Sadeler, after the drawings by Marten de Vos.
Date: 1580.
We do homage to the world's most famous puppet with this exhibition of painting dedicated to Pinocchio and his adventures.
The paintings are by Mario Madiai (Siena 1944), Luigi Rosati (Roma 1937) and Giacomo Vaccaro (Sassetta 1953).
We host in our website a selecion of some artworks by the painter Italiano Franchi, one of Giovanni Fattori best students and member of the Club La Boheme, the group of painters, musicians, artists gathered around Giacomo Puccini.
We have selected some paintings, by the artists from Livorno that we love: Ludovico Tommasi, Carlo Domenici, Cafiero Filippelli and, obviously, Renato Natali.
We are delighted to present a small selection of drawing by Mino Maccari.
For information and prices, do not hesitate to contacting us.
L'antico Laboratorio dei Marmi Massimo Nieri, in collaborazione con Daniele Squaglia e la direzione artistica di Alberto Magnolfi ha inaugurato Domenica 21 Luglio 2013 l'annuale esposizione...
Presentiamo una serie di dipinti e documenti del pittore, naturalizzato milanese, che animò la stessa città dagli anni "60 in poi con il suo forte carattere artistico e l'indomita passione ideale.
We proudly present 34 oil paintings of the vast production by Carlo Saccardi, landscapes, still lifes and figures. See THE WORK for sale on our web site.
Matraia Giuseppe 1805-1862 . Ricorre quest'anno l'anniversario dei 150 dalla morte dell'illustre cittadino lucchese. Fu letterato e storico nonchè valente disegnatore.
A Lucca il 20 e 21 Ottobre 2012 presso il Centro Agorà (Chiesa dei Servi) dalle ore 10/19 si svolgerà la quinta edizione della Mostra-Mercato di Carta d' Epoca, il consueto appuntamento organizzato dal Comune di Lucca per bibiofili e ricercato
The old workshop of marbles by Massimo Nieri in Pietrasanta, in collaboration with Daniele Squaglia shows a unique exhibition of Mauro Lovi. His works are presented in a still functioning marbles'laboratory from the early 1900.
The charm of the old workshop where the ancient stonework, antique fireplaces, columns and portals are the fascinating choreography of the paintings on display.
Definitely a new cultural approach to Pietrasanta trying to connect its rich history of marble, coming from far away, with the proposal to combine modern and contemporary art, exhibiting 50 paintings in Pietrasantina the town of Versilia, place symbol of tradition which in recent years has become an important cultural center for contemporary art with many galleries and exhibitions many proposals.
We proudly present a series of originals paintings by Alavro Danti. The artist , since his early years dedicates himself to painting, by attending the studio of the painter Cafiero Filippelli and right from his initial experiences he uses a simplified research in design, yet remaining faithful to the stong color-filled component present in the Livorno tradition.
We proudly present 23 original lithographs, complete series titled ''Custoza 1848 - 1866 - Album Storico Artistico Militare'', Milano 1878, by Quinto Cenni (Imola 1845 - Carate Brianza 1917).
We proudly present 21 original wood plates by the sculptor and engraver Fausto Mancini from Lucca (Italy). Works of high quality which shows knowledge the Lorenzo Viani's work, and that artistic period.