Thanks to dedicate a few Minutes to the consultation of this web site. Your privacy is very important for Daniele Squaglia and we want to protect it at best, so we provide you these notes in which you will find hints about the types of information gathered on line on the various possibilities you have to workover in the collection and in the use of such information in the web site.
We are talking about an informative in accordance with the Article 13 d.lgs n.196/2003 personal data protection for those who interact with the Daniele Squaglia web services, accessible through data transmission tools at: http://www.danielesquaglia.it corresponding to the home page of the Daniele Squaglia website.
The informative is valuable just for the present site and not for different web sites eventually consulted by the user through link connection.
The informative is based also on the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European authorities of personal data protection, gathered in the Group instituted by the art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46/CE, adopted on 17 May 2001, to identify minimum requirements for the personal on-line data collection, and, particularly on modalities, on times and nature of the information that the processing owners must give to the users when they go on line page
Regardless of the connection aims.
Following the consultation of this site, data related with people identified or identifiable can be processed.
The processing is: Daniele Squaglia located in Via Cenami 21, 55100 Lucca (LU) , VAT Identification Number P.IVA. 00278970462. The responsible owner is Daniele Squaglia TAX CODE number SQGDNL55H14E715B resident in Via Cenami 21, (Lucca) 55100.
The data processing related to the web services of this site take place by the Daniele Squaglia, and these are treated by the staff in charge of data processing or by those temporally in charge of maintenance operations.
No web data service is communicated or set about.The personal data supplied by users which ask for informative material are used just to guarantee the service required and these are communicated to others only if it is necessary (ex: dispatch service).
Web data Internet and software practices to manage this site, while working, acquire personal data which transmission is included in the usage of internet communications protocols.
This procedure involves information not collected to be associated with interested people or organizations that could permit the identification of the users through elaborations and associations with data held by third.
This data class include IP Resources and PC names range operated by users connect to the site, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of resources required, the request time, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size obtained back, the numeric code showing the server status answer (Ex: failed, processed etc etc.) and other standards related to the operating system and the user information environment.
These data are exclusively used to draw anonymous statistic information on the site use and to control the correct working; they are immediately cancelled after the elaboration.
Data could be used to control users’ responsibilities in case of computer crimes to the site: unless this eventuality, data on the contacts do not hold over seven days.
The optional, facultative and voluntary sending e-mail on this site involve the acquisition of the return address, it is necessary to answer the request, as well as possible personal data processed in that.
No users’ personal data is acquired by the site on purpose. Cookies are not used to transmit personal info, neither c.d. persistent cookies of any kind, or users’ identification system. The use of session c.d. cookies (that are temporary registered on the user pc are erased while finishing the browsing) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifications (set up by casual numbers created by the server) necessary to allow a safe and efficient exploration of the site.The session c.d. cookies used in this site avoid the use of other computer technologies potentially hazardous to the users’ privacy and they do not permit the user identification data capture.
Beside what specified as to navigation data, the user is free to give personal data reported in the claim form to the Authority or those indicated in the Office contacts to solicit informative material or others communications sending.Their failed ordinance can involve the impossibility to obtain what required.
No user under the age of 18, without prior parent consent or the ones who deputize them has freedom to send information to this website, or least at all make any purchases or improve legal acts where this website without the direct consent, unless it is not allowed from the laws in force
Personal data are processed with computerized tools tightly for the time to reach the aims for which they are collected.
Specific safety measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or incorrect usage and not authorized accesses.
The subjects whom personal data are referred have the right to get confirmation about the same data existence or not at any time, to know the data origin and content, to control the data accuracy or to ask for integration, to update or rectify (as Art.7 on personal data security Code d.lgs. 196/2003) to ask for cancellation, for anonymous form transformation or to stop violation of law processed data, as well as to oppose for legitimate reasons to the data processing. Anyone who had any doubts concerning the respect of the policy for the privacy safeguard adopted from Daniele Squaglia, its use, personal's data accuracy or use of collected information can contact us at the following email address: info@danielesquaglia.it.